- UK city-regions: changes and case studies (2024)
- Transparency of social housing providers: UK case studies (2023)
- Smart village in Europe: case studies (2023)
- Community service for social housing: UK case studies (2022)
- Social infrastructure to connect community in the post-COVID-era: London policy and practice (2022)
- Multiple dwelling: concept, policy, and practice in the UK (2021)
- MediaCityUK: case study (2021)
- London’s Creative Enterprise Zone: workspace policy and practice for creative businesses (2020)
- Sang Hee Kim & Cha Hee Lee. 2022. Second Homes for Local Revitalization: UK Policies and Second Home Development, The Korea Spatial Planning Review, 15, 3-23.
- Sang Hee Kim. 2023. Online-based food hubs for community health and well-being: Performance in practice and its implications for urban design. in Hewon Jung and Kon Kim(Eds). 2023. Gated Communities and Digital Polis: Rethinking Subjectivity, Reality, Exclusion, and Cooperation in Urban Future. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlement. Springer.
- Jung Won Son & Sang Hee Kim. 2019. Urban Planning Approach to Location Choice for Industrial Hubs: Principles and South Korean Experiences. Oxford Handbook of Industrial Policy and Industrial Hubs. Oxford University Press.
- Sang Hee Kim & Seung Hoon Yang. 2009. IDEA STORE, Community Inclusion, Urban Regeneration Network (ed.), Urban Regeneration of New York, London and Seoul, Pixel house. 188-209.
- Sang Hee Kim. 2017. London’s Traditional Markets: Managing Change and Conflict in Complex Urban Spaces